Titanium (Ti) Target use in DC sputtering CAS 7440-32-6

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Unit Price︰

US $ 200 / pc

Minimum Order︰

1 pc

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Product Description

Titanium, Ti Sputteirng target 

Purity: 99.7%, 99.995%, 99.999%

Diameter: 355.6mm (14") max.

Single piece Size: Length: <1500mm, Width: <250mm, Thickness: >1mm, if larger size than this, we can do it as tiles joint by 45 degree or 90 degree.

Shape: discs, plate, rod, tube, sheet, Delta, Rotatable and per drawing

Use: high strength, acid and used in the manufacture of alloy, titanium dioxide for paints, rubber and paper pigment, also used as a lightweight materials manufacturing.

We also supply below material:


Material Name

Formula Purity
Aluminum Al 99.99%, 99.999%
Antimony Sb 99.99%, 99.999%
Boron B 99.9%,99.99%, 99.999%
Barium Ba 99.3%, 99.9%, 99.95%
Bismuth Bi 99.99%, 99.999%
Graphite C 99.99%
Cobalt Co 99.9%, 99.95%, 99.99%
Chromium Cr 99.5%, 99.9%, 99.95%
Copper Cu 99.99%, 99.999%
Cadmium Cd 99.99%
Iron Fe 99.9%, 99.99%
Indium In 99.9%, 99.99%,99.999%
Lithium Li 99.5%
Molybdenum Mo 99.95%
Magnesium Mg 99.95%
Nickel Ni 99.9%, 99.98%, 99.995%, 99.999%
Niobium Nb 99.95%
Lead Pb 99.99%
Rhenium Re 99.95%, 99.99%
Silicon Si 99.999%, 99.9999%,poly or mono crystal, doped or undoped
Selenium Se 99.99%, 99.999%
Tellurium Te 99.99%,99.999%
Tantalum Ta 99.95%, 99.99%
Titanium Ti 99.7%, 99.99%, 99.995%, 99.999%
Tin Sn 99.99%, 99.999%
Tungsten W 99.95%
Vanadium V 99.9%


specification︰ Purity: 99.7%, 99.995%, 99.999%
Diameter: 355.6mm (14") max.
Single piece Size: Length: <1500mm, Width: <250mm, Thickness: >1mm, if larger size than this, we can do it as tiles joint by 45 degree or 90 degree.
Shape: discs, plate, rod, tube, sheet, Delta, Rotatable and per drawing
Label︰ Titanium (Ti) Target use in DC sputtering

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